
What We Believe

Belief #1

The Bible – The Bible is the authoritative reference on how to live and is the basis for Christian belief. The Bible is without error in its original writings. It is composed of sixty-six books of the old and new testament. it is God’s inspired work, written by men, but guided by the Holy Spirit. It is the source for Christian beliefs and living and is our “instruction book” for life.

Belief #2

God and the Trinity – The one God is the creator and ruler of the universe, perfect in love and righteous in all His ways. God exists eternally in three persons (the Trinity): Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Belief #3

Jesus – Jesus, having been born of the virgin Mary, is God in flesh. Jesus is fully God and full man. On Earth, He lived a sinless, perfect life and offered his life on the cross as a sacrifice for the sins of man so that we could have salvation. On the third day after his crucifixion, He physically rose from the grace to demonstrate His power over sine and death. Jesus ascended to Heaven where He intercedes for us. Jesus will return to Earth at His second coming at a future time. Jesus Christ is the only mediator between God and man.

Belief #4

Holy Spirit – Christ lives and works inside of the believer through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit provides the Christian with power for living, understanding for spiritual truth and guidance for doing what is right. When Christ ascended to heaven He did not leave the Christian on his/her own; He sent the Holy Spirit to guide the believer. It is through the ministry of the Holy Spirit in the believer’s life, the he/she is enabled to live a Godly life characterized by the fruits of the Spirit.

Belief #5

Man and Sin – Man was created in the image of God to have a relationship with Him. However, man fell into sin, thereby being separated from God. Each person is born with a sin nature and falls short of God’s standard. One is unable through human effort apart from the working of the Holy Spirit to please God and save himself/herself from the consequences of his/her sin.

Belief #6

Salvation – One is saved by faith alone. Only by accepting Jesus Christ as God’s sacrifice to pay the penalty for sins can one have eternal salvation. The Christian is not saved by works or deeds or by participating in religious activities. Only by God’s grace is one saved from the wages of sin which is death.

Belief #7

Christian Growth – After the initial salvation experience, the Christian is to continue to grow in the knowledge of Jesus Christ and to experience Him as a daily reality. Through the Holy Spirit’s working in one’s life, the Christian is to work on obedience to Scripture. The Christian is not merely to understand Christ’s teachings, but is also to live and demonstrate them.

Belief #8

Ordinance – An ordinance is an out word rite appointed by Christ to be administered in the Church as a visible sign of the saving truth of the Christian faith. 

  1. Baptism – Baptism is an outward symbol of an inward transformation which begins when one received Jesus Christ into his/her life. Water is used a symbol of the cleansing of sin.
  2. Lord’s Supper – We also celebrate the Lord’s Supper which serves as a symbolic remembrance of what Jesus Christ accomplished on the Cross.
Belief #9

Eternal Status – Jesus Christ will come again to judge all people. Those who have believed will enter into everlasting joy with the Lord (heaven); those who have not believed will enter into everlasting punishment (hell).